Community Challengers

Community Challengers is an Erasmus+ Project that combines environmental awareness, artistic expression and entrepreneurship education to empower young people from underprivileged communities across Europe. The project activates young people to learn about the causes and effects of climate change and mobilise their communities to become climate-smart, sustainable and united by integrating the arts with social entrepreneurship and advocacy. 

View the Educational Resources


Against the background of a global environmental crisis, young people are calling for urgent measures to mitigate the effects of climate change. Although the last few years have seen some global responses to the climate emergency—such as the European Green Deal, European Youth Strategy, and Sustainable Development Goals—it will require increased awareness, more environmental and advocacy skills, and heightened collaboration at multiple levels of our systems to avoid the worst effects of climate change. Funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, Community Challengers aims to tackle these challenges through youth and community empowerment. 

The Project

Learn more about the Community Challengers structure and learning model

Community Challenges

View the outcomes of local workshops on climate mitigation, community mapping, and arts and entrepreneurship for activism


Learning materials for youth workers, trainers, and young people to implement challenges, advocate, and act for change.